Saturday, May 12, 2007

We've Moved!

Yes. Its Official I have moved and started a new on Wordpress. Sadly i didn't get my own domain cause....IM POOOR! :P

But perhaps in future. Check me here kids!

Friday, March 23, 2007

I saw the sunrise this morning...

...I thought of you. And I jumped out of bed like i was a child again excited by the pure fact it was another day. :) They say it was coudy today and so wet and humid but all i could see was sunshine and feel a comforting breeze. I smiled at pure strangers and they looked at me puzzled by my actions. I felt a lightness in my heart and a bounce in my step. My cheeks still hurt and my words still mimick yours, forcing eyebrows to raise at my speech.

Oh dear I feel so alive! I could float to paradise. But I'll stay here a while :)

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